predicate filter action Predicate Filter Action

Provided by: "Apache Software Foundation"

Support Level for this Kamelet is: "Stable"

Filter based on a JsonPath Expression. Since this is a filter, the expression will be a negation, this means that if the foo field of the example is equals to John, the message will go ahead, otherwise it will be filtered out.

Configuration Options

The following table summarizes the configuration options available for the predicate-filter-action Kamelet:

Property Name Description Type Default Example



Required The JsonPath Expression to evaluate, without the external parenthesis. Since this is a filter, the expression will be a negation, this means that if the foo field of the example is equals to John, the message will go ahead, otherwise it will be filtered out.

string =~ /.*John/


At runtime, the predicate-filter-action Kamelet relies upon the presence of the following dependencies:

  • camel:core

  • camel:kamelet

  • camel:jsonpath

Camel JBang usage


  • You’ve installed JBang.

  • You have executed the following command:

jbang app install camel@apache/camel

Supposing you have a file named route.yaml with this content:

- route:
      uri: "kamelet:timer-source"
        period: 10000
        message: 'test'
        - to:
            uri: "kamelet:predicate-filter-action"
        - to:
            uri: "kamelet:log-sink"

You can now run it directly through the following command

camel run route.yaml