exec sink Exec Sink

Provided by: "Apache Software Foundation"

Support Level for this Kamelet is: "Stable"

Execute system commands

The Kamelet expects the following headers to be set:

  • args / ce-args: as the args to be set on the executable.

If the header won’t be set the executable will be run without arguments.

Configuration Options

The following table summarizes the configuration options available for the exec-sink Kamelet:

Property Name Description Type Default Example


Executable Command

Required The command to execute.



At runtime, the exec-sink Kamelet relies upon the presence of the following dependencies:

  • camel:core

  • camel:exec

  • camel:kamelet

Camel JBang usage


  • You’ve installed JBang.

  • You have executed the following command:

jbang app install camel@apache/camel

Supposing you have a file named route.yaml with this content:

- route:
      uri: "kamelet:timer-source"
        period: 10000
        message: 'test'
        - to:
            uri: "kamelet:exec-sink"

You can now run it directly through the following command

camel run route.yaml