Configure a registry on Docker Desktop

You can run Camel K integrations on plain Kubernetes using Docker Desktop, for that an external registry is needed and Kubernetes must be enabled.

First, enable Kubernetes by following the instructions in the official documentation page.

Once Kubernetes is up and running, a registry can be started locally using the command:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

As it is meant for development purpose only, the registry has not been configured to be secured. To allow Kubernetes to pull images from our unsecured registry, the address host.docker.internal:5000 (corresponding to the address of the registry from a container see for more details) needs to be added to the insecure-registries by following the instructions in the official documentation page.

An example of daemon.json with the expected configuration:

    "insecure-registries": ["host.docker.internal:5000"]

Once the configuration changed, the Docker daemon must be restarted to take the modification into account.

Finally, you can install the Camel-K operator with the insecure registry properly configured as:

kind: IntegrationPlatform
  name: camel-k
      address: host.docker.internal:5000
      insecure: true