
The ProducerTemplate interface allows you to send message exchanges to endpoints in a variety of different ways to make it easy to work with Camel Endpoint instances from Java code.

It can be configured with a default endpoint if you just want to send lots of messages to the same endpoint; or you can specify an Endpoint or uri as the first parameter.

The sendBody() method allows you to send any object to an endpoint easily as shown:

ProducerTemplate template = exchange.getContext().createProducerTemplate();

// send to default endpoint

// send to a specific queue
template.sendBody("activemq:MyQueue", "<hello>world!</hello>");

// send with a body and header
   "CustomerRating", "Gold");

You can also supply an Exchange or a Processor to customize the exchange.

Send vs Request methods

The ProducerTemplate supports Message Exchange Patterns (MEP) that are used to control the messaging style to use:

In other words, all the methods on the ProducerTemplate that starts with sendXXX are for InOnly messaging, and all the methods starting with requestXXX are for InOut messaging.

Lets see an example where we invoke an endpoint to get the response (InOut):

Object response = template.requestBody("<hello/>");

// you can type convert the response to what you want such as String
String ret = template.requestBody("<hello/>", String.class);

// or specify the endpoint uri in the method
String ret = template.requestBody("cxf:bean:HelloWorldService", "<hello/>", String.class);

Fluent interface

The FluentProducerTemplate provides a fluent syntax over the regular ProducerTemplate.

Here are some examples:

Set headers and body

This is the most common style with fluent builders to set headers, and message body as show:

Integer result = FluentProducerTemplate.on(context)
    .withHeader("key-1", "value-1")
    .withHeader("key-2", "value-2")

Using a processor

Here we use Processor to prepare the message to be sent.

Integer result = FluentProducerTemplate.on(context)
    .withProcessor(exchange -> exchange.getIn().setBody("Hello World"))

Advanced with a template customizer

This is rarely in use, but a TemplateCustomizer can be used for advanced use-cases to control various aspects of the FluentProducerTemplate such as configuring to use a custom thread pool:

Object result = FluentProducerTemplate.on(context)
        template -> {
    .withBody("the body")

See Also