Remove Headers

The Remove Headers EIP allows you to remove one or more headers from the Message, based on pattern syntax.


The Remove Headers eip supports 3 options, which are listed below.

Name Description Default Type


Required Name or pattern of headers to remove. The pattern is matched in the following order: 1 = exact match 2 = wildcard (pattern ends with a and the name starts with the pattern) 3 = regular expression (all of above is case in-sensitive).



Name or patter of headers to not remove. The pattern is matched in the following order: 1 = exact match 2 = wildcard (pattern ends with a and the name starts with the pattern) 3 = regular expression (all of above is case in-sensitive).



Whether to disable this EIP from the route during build time. Once an EIP has been disabled then it cannot be enabled later at runtime.




Sets the description of this node.


Remove Headers by pattern

The Remove Headers EIP supports pattern matching by the following rules in the given order:

  • match by exact name

  • match by wildcard

  • match by regular expression

Remove all headers

To remove all headers you can use * as the pattern:


And in XML:

  <from uri="seda:b"/>
  <removeHeaders pattern="*"/>
  <to uri="mock:result"/>

Remove all Camel headers

To remove all headers that start with Camel then use Camel* as shown:


And in XML:

  <from uri="seda:b"/>
  <removeHeaders pattern="Camel*"/>
  <to uri="mock:result"/>

See Also

Camel provides the following EIPs for removing headers or exchange properties: