Apache camel 2.18.5 Release
New and Noteworthy
This release is a minor update of the 2.18.x branch.
Supported Java version
This version supports Java 8.Getting the Binaries using Maven
To use this release in your Apache Maven pom.xml
, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the camel-core
and any other components needed without specifying the version.
To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use Spring Boot spring-boot-dependencies
and Camel camel-spring-boot-bom
Bill of Materials (BOM):
<version> SPRING BOOT VERSION HERE </version>
Apache Camel
Download | Signature and checksum |
apache-camel-2.18.5-src.zip (Sources) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
Git tag checkout
Release is tagged with camel-2.18.5
in the Git, to fetch it use:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel.git cd camel git checkout camel-2.18.5
Resolved issues
Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release
Bug (38)
- CAMEL-11772
- Sjms with Artemis causes NullPointerException due to a ClassCastException
- CAMEL-11765
- camel-undertow - Consumer adds duplicate headers
- CAMEL-11750
- Camel route with multicast (parallel) generate huge CPU load
- CAMEL-11748
- Camel-Undertow: transferException option doesn't work
- CAMEL-11724
- Camel-Hdfs2: No need for initialDelay and delay as configuration properties since they are already parameters of ScheduledPollConsumer
- CAMEL-11723
- ManagedCamelContext.dumpRestsAsXml can fail if default charset is not utf-8
- CAMEL-11716
- error in handling return parameters in db functions
- CAMEL-11698
- S3 Consumer does not close S3 Object Input Streams and this causes HTTP connection leaks
- CAMEL-11690
- Done() called two times in RoutingSlip processor
- CAMEL-11688
- ensure transport endpoint configuration will be take into account when create JettyRestHttpBinding from REST DSL
- CAMEL-11681
- camel-cxf - getting TypeConversionException when schema-validation-enabled=true for unwrapped response
- CAMEL-11632
- QuartzScheduledPollConsumerScheduler causes trigger misfires on each application start
- CAMEL-11630
- JPAMessageIdRepository Not Releasing Connections
- CAMEL-11623
- LevelDB Java implementation wont be tried on Errors
- CAMEL-11620
- Requiredement for date string to be longer than pattern is invalid.
- CAMEL-11608
- Camel-AWS: Camel-Kinesis needs Jackson Dataformat CBOR to work in OSGi
- CAMEL-11607
- NPE in MBeanInfoAssembler when debug is enabled
- CAMEL-11572
- camel-lumberjack component doesn't restart
- CAMEL-11564
- avoid ClassCastException when the gzip is enabled for the cxf endpoint with camel destination
- CAMEL-11540
- Unable to disable ProducerCache by setting cacheSize="-1"
- CAMEL-11533
- Simple language - comparison againist negative value fails with unknown token
- CAMEL-11524
- Camel File Consumer fails when doneFileName contains '$'
- CAMEL-11523
- JasyptPropertiesParser fails on properties references with default value
- CAMEL-11520
- camel-hipchat: Unable to send to room name containing spaces
- CAMEL-11510
- The consumer endpoint for Twitter component timeline/user doesn't poll the tweets even if the type is set to polling and delay attribute doesn't work
- CAMEL-11477
- Can not override isUseAdviceWith in CamelBlueprintTestSupport
- CAMEL-11472
- [camel-box] missing Karaf feature dependency
- CAMEL-11469
- Camel-Hipchat - Configure via xml is broken
- CAMEL-11441
- Main - setPropertyPlaceholderLocations should be public
- CAMEL-11427
- camel-leveldb does not work on Solaris -- no native code library and no Java fallback
- CAMEL-11424
- Endless wait when unhandled exception occurs in camel-olingo
- CAMEL-11423
- Accept header is not compliant with IETF RFC-7231
- CAMEL-11417
- route-reset-stats completion issue
- CAMEL-11414
- camel-restlet - Rest DSL issue with empty path variables
- CAMEL-11394
- Undertow endpoint option REUSE_ADDRESS is configured using the value for TCP_NO_DELAY
- CAMEL-11392
- String to ByteBuffer conversion causes overflow due to multibyte chars
- CAMEL-11317
- [OSGi, camel-jpa] Problems with mapping idempotent.jpa.MessageProcessed with Aries + Hibernate
- CAMEL-11298
- Using chmodDirectory with full paths makes file producer to created directories relative to source
Improvement (12)
- CAMEL-12251
- Do not hide (so much) blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException
- CAMEL-11755
- toD should ignore when dynamic uri is empty
- CAMEL-11728
- Camel-AWS S3: Avoid warn log message about content length
- CAMEL-11720
- GoogleDriveProducer should be able to honor the http.proxyPort and http.proxyHost properties from the CamelContext
- CAMEL-11719
- add a string to ChildReference converter for camel-google-drive
- CAMEL-11706
- Remove duplicate type converter methods from HBaseModelConverter
- CAMEL-11552
- Provide FailureEvent interface as a general means of retrieving the cause
- CAMEL-11551
- Use abstract base class for all context and route events
- CAMEL-11463
- back port CAMEL-11319 to 2.18
- CAMEL-11355
- Consumer - ErrorHandler should ignore rejected exception due to shutdown
- CAMEL-11323
- Query Params are not mapped to camel headers with SparkJava
- CAMEL-11313
- set defaultValue for FixedLength and other factories
Task (2)
- CAMEL-11326
- Exclude org.json from camel-spark
- CAMEL-11301
- Camel-weather and camel-geocoder: freegeoip.io/json has been moved permanently
You can verify your download by following these procedures and using these KEYS.