How to quickly run 16 years old Camel 1.0 route today

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A few weeks ago I presented Camel JBang at the Quarkus Insights show and one of the demos I did was to quickly run Camel 1.0 route copied with the latest Camel. This is a 4-minute recording of that demo. If you want to see more, then I recommend to watch the Quarkus Insight session.

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Camel K 1.11 release

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Hey Camel K riders, there is a new Camel K 1.11.0 release, there is no big new feature, as we focused on fixing bug, improving current features, updating dependencies and maintain our release cadence, since our 1.10 release, three months ago. As usual let’s start by acknowledging the tech stack on top of Camel K and the new exciting versions our fellows have baked: Apache Camel K Runtime 1.16.0 Apache Camel Quarkus 2.

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