Camel Kafka Connector 0.4.0 Released

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We recently released camel-kafka-connector 0.4.0. This is the first release of the latest project in the Camel’s ecosystem, based on an LTS camel release. The main features of this release are: Introduction of aggregation support Introduction of marshalling and unmarshalling support on both sink and source connectors Upgrade to the latest Apache Camel release 3.4.2 Addition of new examples in the camel-kafka-connector-examples repository Integration tests added for HDFS (sink), Cassandra/CQL (source), Slack (Source), JDBC (sink) and MongoDB (sink/source).

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The Camel community announces the immediate availability of Camel 3.4.2, a new patch release for the 3.4 LTS version with 6 new features, improvements and fixes. The main reason we are releasing this version is that we compiled 3.4.1 with Java 11 which leads to issues as described in this Github issue. Although we already have a fix for this problem (see CAMEL-15309), we found that it would be safer to push out a release compiled with Java 8 so nobody gets affected by this or any similar problems.

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