

These steps provide a structured approach to generating, setting up, building, and debugging a Camel Quarkus native application within the VS Code environment.

Generate Example Camel Route in VS Code Workspace

Within your clean VS Code workspace, initiate the creation of an exemplary Camel route using the command Camel: Create a Camel Route using Java DSL. This sets the foundation for your project’s routing structure.

Create a Camel Route using Java DSL

Transform the generated Camel Route into a Camel Quarkus Project

Utilize the command Camel: Create a Camel Quarkus project to generate a project based on the previously created Camel route. This action transforms your route into a robust Camel Quarkus project, ready for development.

Create a Camel Quarkus project


This step ensures a clean structure. Remove the original Camel route file from the root of the newly generated project.

Build Camel Quarkus Native Application

Execute a predefined task from .vscode/tasks.json to initiate the build process for your Camel Quarkus Native application. This predefined task streamline the building procedure, ensuring a smooth and debug-ready build. You can run your tasks using VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl/CMD + P) by typing task <command name>.

Build a Camel Quarkus native application

Launch Application using Predefined Configuration

Navigate to the Run and Debug view within VS Code, where debugging configurations and controls are accessible. Execute the predefined launch configuration to initiate the start of Camel Quarkus Native application. This step seamlessly initiates the execution of your application, readying it for debugging.

Launch a debug-ready Camel Quarkus native application

Set Breakpoint in Camel Route

Place a breakpoint within the Camel route to interrupt the execution at a specific point. This move allows for detailed inspection and debugging of the application’s behavior precisely where needed.

Set a breakpoint in a Camel Route

What’s next

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